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(The content below was transcribed from an interview done with Acacia Law. We think you'll find it much easier
and more enjoyable to read this way.)
Interviewer: What about alcohol? Is that tested for? I mean it's legal if you're over 21, but does it change if you're TASC? What happens then?
Acacia Law: No. No. It doesn't fit within the parameters of an illegal drug but this what I've seen them do. Again, this is part of what they consider to be an appropriate treatment plan for the individual. One of those things that they must do when they're in this program is comply with the terms as designated by the person assigned to their case, which is what they call a TASC manager, Okay? Now, that person may deem that you're not only supposed to not use drugs but they don't want you utilizing, or using, or consuming any alcohol; even if you are of the legal age limit.
The reason that they put that restriction in there for some people is because they, first of all, a) think that the person has a possible addictive personality. Alcohol is considered an addictive substance and so they tell them they do not want them to use that because some people will, if they can't get high, will switch over to alcohol and become alcoholics instead. So they restrict that.
The other thing is, obviously, they have a lot of people who are under the age of 21, even Juveniles, and it's taken for granted that they're not supposed to consume any alcohol. So they may be allowed to test them for that to ensure that they're not using a substance because under the circumstances, as you as said, the substance itself is legal, but if you're under 21 and you're consuming it, it's not legal.
Interviewer: Right. And when you go take the test, I mean, I've heard there's all kinds of stuff out there to, like, beat a drug test. I've heard of fake urine. I've heard of, you'll laugh, but even a fake penis called the Whizzinator that people can pee though. I've heard of people having these drinks that they cleanse their body like Golden Seal and these other drinks that help mask your urine test.
Acacia Law: Yeah.
Interviewer: How common is that, that it beat the test and what happens to them if they're found with one of these things to help them beat a test?
Acacia Law: Well, if you're found with either the substance or the Whizzinator on your person at the time that you're having the test administered or if you're trying to utilize someone else's urine, however,-or blood-, you're basically done right there on the spot; Flat out of luck. Essentially, what that does is that raises an alarm bell that, clearly, the person wouldn't be using these things if they weren't continuing to use the drug or the marijuana.
How well do they work? I've heard different assessments. I think that most of them probably don't successfully do what they say they'll do. That's just based on a number of Criminalists and Forensic Toxicologists I've examined, because, the short answer is that,-- without getting all technical here,-- is that what they're looking for in urine is what's called metabolites. Okay? And now metabolites are something that, unless you have a substance that you're drinking or something that can actually eliminate the metabolite itself, if it's in the urine specimen, that's close enough. Even a small fraction of metabolites indicates that it's been in your system. So I kind of question the success rate of most of these products.
I suspect there may be some that do work-- or-- impact on it to a certain degree. In other words, they might reduce the amount of metabolites you have in your system,...But to completely eliminate them? I don't know if there's too much out there on the market that could prevail in that regard.
But, again, you have to understand that it's not like the people who all operate these Programs, or the Police, or the Courts, or the Maricopa or Pinal County Attorneys, aren't familiar with these products. They obviously are-- and it's one the things that they're naturally appraised of. I have no doubt, I would be surprised, if they didn't already have samples of these products that they tested themselves to see if they actually could impact on a test or not. But it's one of those things I wouldn't bet money on. I certainly wouldn't bet my freedom on it; and I wouldn't bet my ability to beat a criminal charge. Basically, it's too risky.
Interviewer: Is there a separate charge if you have one these, I don't know, test defying devices or is it just that you'll be kicked out of the program and charged?
Acacia Law: Yes, it's not going to be a question really of the,-- the product itself,-- which I know you can purchase in any Smoke Shop,--and is clearly legal. So, there's not going to be a charge for possessing that substance. What you said is correct. They'll just kick you out of the program. They determine that if you're using the substance, you're trying to mask something. And if you're not "using", you have nothing to mask. So, they just kick you out of the program and submit that notification to the County Attorney's Office, which, in turn, turns around and reinstates the charges in the Court against the Defendant.