Probation Violation in Phoenix, Arizona
(The content below was transcribed from an interview done with Acacia Law. We think you'll find it much easierand more enjoyable to read this way.)
If you have been sentenced to spend time in prison after committing a serious crime in the state of Arizona, you may be eligible to receive probation...
Juvenile Crimes and Offenses in Phoenix, Arizona
If your child has been charged with a juvenile offense, it could seriously affect the rest of their life. A juvenile charge, if proven, can not only negatively affect your entire family, but it can jeopardize your child's education and his entire future. Therefore, if your child or someone in your...
Arizona Marijuana and Drug Possession Laws
Marijuana and drug possession laws differ from state to state, and Arizona has strict laws when it comes to possession of marijuana. Although marijuana offenses are the most common of all drug offenses in Arizona, it is a criminal offense that can result in jail time, heavy fines and a life-long...
Arizona Kidnapping and Abduction Laws and Charges
Kidnapping/abduction is a very serious matter in the state of Arizona, which is why an Arizona kidnapping charge has severe penalties. Surprisingly, a lot of kidnapping cases are reported by parents who share child custody after divorce and may think that the non-custodial parent has kidnapped...
Arizona Assault Charges
The state of Arizona takes assault as a very serious crime and the legislature has put several laws in place to make the punishment for convictions quite severe. In Phoenix and other areas of Arizona, assault is a charge which has a wide definition, which means that anyone who shows provoking or...
Laws on Misconduct Involving Weapons in Arizona
Carrying guns or any other deadly weapon around with you is a great responsibility and using a deadly weapon can get you sentenced. If you are accused of illegal possession of firearms, using a deadly weapon or any other misconduct involving weapons in the state of Arizona, you may be about to face...
Laws on Sexual Offenses and the Act of Rape in Arizona
Rape and sexual abuse is the next most serious and heinous crime after murder. If you have been accused of sexual abuse, rape or sexual assault in Phoenix or anywhere in the state of Arizona, you must get help from an experienced Arizona criminal attorney. You may be wrongfully accused of this...
Armed and Aggravated Robbery Laws in Arizona
Robbery is a criminal offense under Arizona statutes and one that is taken very seriously. You might think that robbery may refer to masked gunmen trying to rob a bank or other financial institution, ideally at gun point, just like we see in movies. However, that is not true. According to robbery...
Burglary Charges in Phoenix, Arizona
You can be charged with burglary in the state of Arizona if you enter someone's property without their permission, with the intent of committing theft or any other felony. Even if you do not steal anything, you can still be charged with burglary as simply entering someone's property with the intent...
Arizona Hit-and-Run Laws
The term hit-and-run is one that is emotionally charged. You hear it and immediately imagine someone callously running over someone and just driving off without checking to see if the other person is okay. But what about a person who does stop, talks to the other person or people involved to make...