Suite 264
Mesa, Arizona 85210
(480) 374-8747
(602) 357-8606 (espanol)
Suite 312
Tucson, AZ 85701
(520) 468-6668
(602) 357-8606(espanol)
(The content below was transcribed from an interview done with Acacia Law. We think you'll find it much easier
and more enjoyable to read this way.)
Interviewer: How often is a restraining order issued with a domestic violence case and how fast is it issued?
Acacia Law: It is usually issued from the time the defendant is taken to court as we said before, in a domestic violence case somebody's going to jail for the night.
That's almost standard procedure. Somebody's going to jail for the night. That person, as soon as they see the judge and have the charges read out, the judge will impose conditions immediately on the spot. Normally, there is no hearing for it. The judge has these release conditions so in place that oftentimes they're already pre-typed out and he merely needs to fill out the boxes that he wants checked in terms of what will restrict that person's activities or contact with the other person who is designated the victim in the domestic violence case. So as quickly as 30 seconds after you get in front of a judge.